We have a collection of professional service providers and officials that respond as a group and in a timely fashion to the various needs of gender violence victims and survivors by providing legal, medical, emergency assistance, Counselling and psychological and psychosocial support.

AKSGBVMC provides a range of services to people and organisations working with women and girls affected by gender based violence and abuse. We can help you improve your policies and practice through the following

  • consultancy
  • research and survivor consultation
  • informing policy
  • prevention work.

AKSGBVMC has a pool of clinical psychologists that provide several forms of therapy for victims some of which are cognitive, behavioural, cognitive-behavioural, interpersonal, humanistic, psychodynamic or a combination of a few therapy styles all geared towards improving their lives and assisting them in coping with the trauma associated with SGBV crimes. Victim and the Police. AKSGBVMC enjoys a cordial relationship with the Nigeria Police and as such, the relevant Divisional Police Officer of the Station where the victim reports to or is asked to report to will be engaged so as to ensure that investigation takes place promptly and the perpetrator is duly charged to court where necessary.

AKSGBVMC can work with you on issues concerning all forms of Violence Against Women and Girls but we also have specific expertise on

  • children & young people
  • multiple disadvantage.

If you would like to talk to us about working with you please contact us.

Our Independent Sexual Violence Advocates work alongside women and girls aged 11+ to provide one to one emotional and practical support; this includes support and advocacy navigating the criminal justice system.

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