We provide a range of training and awareness workshops to multi-agency professionals, challenging the myths around rape and childhood sexual abuse, developing an understanding of the impacts of sexual violence and best practices in responding to disclosures.

We also believe in primary prevention and that taking the time to talk openly and honestly to young people about topics such as gender stereotypes, sexual violence myths and consent can empower them to challenge the attitudes and beliefs that support sexual violence.

With this in mind, we have developed a series of workshops for young people aimed at building self-worth and self-awareness as well as challenging the myths of sexual violence & encouraging young people to adopt a critical perspective on body image & gender roles.

In addition, the demand for placing prevention and youth education at the core of ending violence against women and girls has lead us to develop specialised training for education and youth professionals interested in working with young people to prevent sexual violence.

In a full days training we;

  • explore the gendered ways in which children and young people are experiencing violence and abuse
    develop a deeper understanding of how rape, sexual assault and consent are defined in law
  • develop an awareness of the impacts of sexual violence on children and young people
    gain an awareness of a whole-school approach to preventing sexual violence
  • develop a model of best practice in responding to disclosures of sexual violence, including how to refer to specialist support services

Variations of the course can run for other agencies and individual counsellors interested in receiving specialist sexual violence training.

We work with you to ensure all of your training needs are met and you are able to deliver the quality service to survivors that they deserve.

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